Monday 7 March 2011

Good Monday mornin'! **Edited: I think I got the pictures to work!!

Yep...good MONDAY morning.

Had a very very fast week-end.  Don't know why sometimes they just seem to fly-by even when we didn't do too much..?

Oh's back to Monday and back to organization and routine and getting up waaaay too early.  Mr. B is now starting work at 5am..yikes!

So, here's what one finds to smile about on a Monday at 4:30 {a.m.}

haa haa..and here's another..

Me and Mr. B?? many of you "get" this one??

I leave you with my thought for Monday..

"Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.."

Have a great one and be grateful we GET another  Monday..


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