Thursday 3 March 2011

Where have I been???

I don't know...where?

Hmmm..busy.  Well, in the "running-around-not-sure-what-time-it-is-even.." busy.

Morning dog walk, Dentist's for Grandma calls..dealing with insurance..laundry..dealing with pharmacies..afternoon dog walking...and a special surprise...

A visit from my Canadian cousins :-)

Wilf and Janie..

Janie is Daddy's cousin's we share a great-grandma..from Ireland.

And what's kinda amazing..we didn't even know we had Canadian Cousins!

{ Janie is such a great crafter/seamstress! She always brings lovely hand-knitted gift and this year a card with a photo that their son, Paul took...he calls himself  "an enthusiastic amateur"..."but I'd like to argue that amateur status ~ his work is amazing! Check out his photography: }

And, it all came from a trip to Ireland that Larry took some years ago..a chance encounter in a pub..leading to an elderly woman named MaryKate in a nursing home..( a distant cousin)and  her recollections of her family {our family}and my brother discovering a niece that had visited her Aunt MaryKate who told Larry about the "Canadian Connection"!


So, we have lovely Canadian Cousins from  beautiful Victoria,  in wonderful Canada.. and..... we had our "3rd annual stop-over-on-the-way-back-to-Victoria-dinner-visit-catch-up-night".night...tonight..on their way back to Victoria after wintering in Arizona..

Conversation, talk of their trip to Egypt , laughter, playing with Braxton & Lulu..visiting with Grandma Evelyn..dinner out..laughter..tea at home, kiss kiss hug travels..see you next year..

What a great, busy, fun, exciting, exhausting and happy day!

How was your Wednesday?


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