Monday 6 December 2010

How can week-ends make you sooo tired??

Hmmm..maybe that's why we go back to rest up after the non-stop week-ends.

Saturday stared with lunch with " Breezy"..another blogger {she's on my sidebar} and it seems we have a mutual admiration society going on here.

She is a reading resource teacher for the 5th grade.  I know, huh.?  One of the most important and under appreciated jobs in the world..or at least in the US..sadly..

Her son is a firefighter and her hubby, a postal worker..all three in "service" mode..what a legacy that is, right?

We had a leisurely lunch and gabbed like 2 long lost friends..maybe we are..2 long lost friends from another time & place..?

It was sooo much fun!  We will definitely do this again..soon hopefully.  As they say.."the ice has been broken.." {if there was any ice..blogging make you feel you know them already..another perk!}

Then it was home to Jeff & Rachael giving me a belated birthday gift of a trip to Build-a-Bear....where I got o pick out my own "furry friend"..a dog..What? you were expecting a frog maybe??

So here I am, building "Brecken" {yes, you have to name therm- then & there..for their birth certificate, of course!}

I chose the name because, depending on how I want to dress {her/him} I can choose darling outfits (!} either for a dude or a girly-girl..

Ta-da1 Christmas Brecken with his text-camera-cell-phone personalized with "his" photo and elf-shoes..

{his shirt lights  up!}

Yeah..It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas around here..but not in a good way...yet.

I have this thing lately, that the kitchen table is not really meant to be a dropping place for..anything...that happens to come into the kitchen at any given moment.

So I've been compulsive...obsessed..bent..determined to keep it clear..and it was wonderful..until yesterday...

Eiyee yiy looks like Christmas sneezed all over the kitchen..but it will look wonderful soon..

..then for a couple of weeks..we'll be in a Christmas wonderland of sorts { we don't do a fancy-schmancy lovely Christmas, but an eclectic mix of silly, child-like, fun, home made, with a dash of red-neck {the lighted reindeer with big teeth that sings "Grandma got run over by a reindeer.." while bobbing it's bells-on-his-antlers-head}

But it's wonderful..and magical..and happy..and..

Oh who am I kidding,'s a LOT of work for a SHORT time.  But soooo worth it.

So, what do you do that completely wears you out on the week-ends??


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