Tuesday 21 December 2010

I think every woman should visit "Build-a-Bear"..or as I call it...


I have decided it's better than a baby doll..when people see me with one of mine -they don't think I am having second {and way too late} thoughts of having my tubes tied 35 years ago (Oh, Happy Birthday Brandi!!)

Yes, at the hospital, they said I singed the papers faster than anyone ever had..and I seem to recall me grabbing the nurse by the collar and talking like the crazy-weird-one form the Exorcist......"get me those papers..NOW!"

Anyway, Happy {yesterday} to my youngest and LAST..Brandi Danielle..Mother of Ella and wife of Johnny..

So, back to Build-a-Friend..

When someone sees me. they just think is "Old-Timers"..or "Some-Timers"..as opposed to Alzheimer's..a grown woman with a stuffed friend..geesh..

But there are definitely perks of not having a baby doll..with my "friends"..I can be seen as eccentric..not depraved..

If I see an out fit for a boy..then my buddy is a boy..and I can get the cute overalls and hoodie with work boots..

If I see all pink and ruffly, or white with sparkles and fur trimmed..then my friend is my girly-girl...or a Santa-Girl

Try that with a doll or heaven forbid..a real child! You'd be paying for counseling for the 2 of you for ev-veh!

And, remember trying to put socks on a squiggly-baby-child?  Yeah..took like a half hour just to get one curly-toed foot into a shoe..then you have another one to do..

And plastic dolls with shoes, well hard to put on and easy to fall off.  As a side note - they now offer Barbie's with removable FEET that have shoes ALREADY permanently ON THEM??!!

That's just soooo wrong..oh, they also have a Barbie's dog that you can feed, then lift his tail and he...POOPS! It comes with little doggie bags and everything..I. Kid. You. Not!

{yeah..I totally got one of these for Emily a while back. I know..I know..I am a baaaad Grammie.}
What's next?  "Senior Citizen Barbie"?



OK, so maybe I am living my second childhood..for the first time..
After all, when all of my school friends had dollies..I had April, my first born..and was still trying to shove her little feet into shoes..



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