Monday 15 November 2010

If I made a sweater for my fish..

Well..that’d be just silly.  I’d have to find a yarn that was non-shrinkable AND color-fast....or Sushi would look like a sick guppy..

And then the whole head-hole those really really short sleeves.

But I do worry about the temperature in his home.

Mr. B was  shocked kind  enough to get me a thermometer when he saw be trying to find the correct water temperature by putting some of the water on my inner wrist like I used to do with the babies’ formula..

And I would swear Sushi’s mouthing the word “brrrr” when he swims up to the glass and looks at me with those big ‘ol fishy-puppy-dog-eyes..

But my fear is that the thermometer-thingy is giving us a false sense of seems to never change.  It’s always on 70 degrees..

I even thought about taking it out and putting it in my morning coffee to see if it would change at all….

But thought twice on that one..{the thermometer..not Sushi..that would be just ..uh..disturbing..}

I decided to put a light over the tank..a bright off warmth..and brightness  yes..bRIgnTneS..

Maybe too much..uh..artificial sunshine..I think he wants sunglasses now.

Ever see a fish squint? Not a pretty sight..

I know that heat rises..and there are times he is hovering near the rim..but other times, he’s skimmin’ the bottom..

But I have yet do see him do the dreaded “dead-fish-float” I am thinking we’re OK for now.

Let’s just hope there’s not a power outage..

..I just don’t know how I’d keep the candle going what with all that water..

gotcha thinkin' huh?


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