Tuesday 5 October 2010

Yeah..the old girl still has it..uh huh..

So the other day a great looking guy, salt & pepper hair..great dresser in a cool car..all macho and strong..

..asked me for my name and phone number.

Oh yeah..that's right.

Oh - and he drove to the house on my request..oh yes he did..

..and I do pay him...

And in uniform..yeah baby...

OK, OK it was a police officer.  And he needed my name & number because I was reporting something..

but hey, at my age... attention from a great looking guy {even while Mr. B was in the garage working} is just what a Saturday morning needed.

Oh, the something I was reporting..while walking the pups I found a used syringe..YUCK..with something in the barrel..can you imagine if a child found that?

We live in an older neighborhood and I try to keep an open mind when I see unsavory characters in the 'hood..but this was waaaay too

I picked it up gingerly with my hand wrapped inside a plastic bag and carefully carried it home and called the police.

The officer came to the house, had some sort of bio-hazard thingy in his car and took it away.  Creepy..disgusting and so very scary.

If you walk your neighborhoods, keep a good eye out for the beauty, the leaves and the rocks shaped like hearts.  The bird egg shells and the lovely homes.

 BUT ..also keep an eye out for the unexpected..the dangerous and the  deadly.  it might just be a case of life and death...

Have a good tomorrow and don't go speeding or running any red lights to meet a great hunky-police officer..you might just get one old-poop-crabby guy..


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