Sunday 6 June 2010

Crisis averted....

I can't believe I did this..I was going to cook a dozen hard boiled eggs to amp up my protein since I'm no longer eating meat or poultry..

I set the eggs in the cold water and turned on the burner..then went & sat down with Mr. B & the pups..

..I COMPLETELY forgot about the eggs..I totally

A while {turns out to be a long while} later as we sat and watched TV, we kept hearing a noise from the kitchen..

At first we thought it was Mother-in-Law Evelyn fixing a snack or something..

A while later, we heard it again, this time sort of a popping sound.

Mr. B got up to look and being curious, I followed.

When we went into the kitchen, I STILL did not remember the eggs and smelling something, thought maybe it was a case of over-cooked popcorn or something..

That's when I saw the pan on the stove..

Oh. was the eggs

Mr. B grabbed them and there was not a speck of water and the eggs were burned.  Burned.  In their shells..burned..along with a relatively new sauce pan.

I fear, really fear, I am becoming one of those who's gone beyond the "I walked into the room and forgot what I came in there for" type of people.

I could have burned the house down..

I could've..I really could've... I feel bad..

Hopefully this scared me into being more focused.. I can say, with thankfulness..

crisis averted.


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