Tuesday 8 June 2010

Snack Lady?? Seriously??...

Hey, that's not fair..

 Who says life should be fair because you are a good person? It’s like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian..

So, we all have new “opportunities” at work..and I am probably luckier than most ..maybe it’s because I am OLDER than most..

But one of my new responsibilities is “Tea Time”.

....a wonderful tradition started by the foundation prior to my getting here.

 Everyday at 2:30, all gather in the break room for ‘snacks’..

Yeah, kinda like in kindergarten...

..but without the naps ..see what I mean about not fair..??

And I am to come up with each day's snack..

Wait..what..?? Does that include like cooking and {grocery} shopping??

Um, I think I am missing the grocery-shopping-cooking marker in my DNA..??

Something you’d think these people would be knowledgeable about, no?

Apparently..no. Not so much..

Well, let’s see…the other day we had the International House of Workplace Snacking when I “fixed” pizza rolls, Swedish fish and Mexican soda pop..oh..and gave them Chinese Chop sticks to eat the pizza rolls with..

Yesterday is was Organic Animal Crackers & Nutella..and left over Mexican pop..

Today, frozen Otis Spunkmier’s Chocolate Chip Cookies (I'll  bake them..they do have instructions, right??) and..uh..let’s see..MEXICAN POP?
Yeah..somebody’s got to drink that so I can justify buying  milk, or Sunny D..or the winejuice boxes..

Sooo I promptly ‘splained to them that after the cupboards were bare of the junk that the previous Queen of the Kitchen had purchased ( a guy named Dallin)..

We will be eating healthy snacks..fruit, cheese, Hummus and crackers…veggie trays..sugar-free Popsicles..Jello…

Maybe even actual tea sometimes..

 Again, ‘splained to them I am on Weight Watchers and not being a masochist, I would not be doing calorie-laden goodies e.v.e.r.y.d.a.y...after all "treats" and supposed be treats..not everyday food..

All nodded..but I could see their sad little faces and read their thoughts....

 “it’s not fair!”

..then one said sheepishly..

“Ah-ha... But can we still have Oreos & milk? ‘Cos that’s my favorite..please? please ?pleasepleaseplease??”

Well, I said I’m not a masochist..... I’m not…DEAD..

Anyway, aren't Oreos and Milk on of the basic food groups? On that there pyramid of food thingy? Right along with “Grains – 6 to 11 servings”??

alchol?? who knew??

Yeah..I think I saw “Oreos & Milk” ..or maybe..

H.U.G.E cookies ...with raisins...

Have a fairly great day..wait..no I mean great fair day..



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