Saturday, 26 February 2011

It's snowing ....again :-)

..and my first thought, as I'm sipping my coffee this very early Saturday morning {thanks Lulu..but you know, I don't need to get up at 5am on Saturdays..just a reminder..) was "Not more snow...I'm ready for Spring."

{"Snow Day" by Ezra Jack Keates}

But as I sit here with my coffee this morning, while the rest of the house is fast asleep..{even my little alarm-clock-pup-Lulu has gone back to bed} I marvel at the beauty outside my front window..snow softly falling..the street light capturing the sparkles as they come down..

{this is not me...but sadly I do envy those eyebrows..}

And I am reminded to stop my whining and enjoy every moment.not to "wish" away the time by rushing spring to come and winter to be over and time to slip away from me, unnoticed, unappreciated.

{there, that's more like it..}

We rush our weeks on Mondays by wishing it were Friday..until that mournful Sunday night when we start the week over our jobs..which, we forget, we are so blessed to have in this economy ..

The whole time we spend wishing our lives..our time..away.

I think I'll make a conscious decision to, if not enjoy, at least appreciate every single moment..every long day and every long season..

Aren't we lucky to start a new day, every day, with a chance to make it better?

{ I wish I had that cuddly-warm-red suit..}

Now, go out there and have a wondrous, long, beautiful Saturday.

And I'll go back to watching  loving Lulu  and the snow fall down in sparkly-diamonds on my world..


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