Sunday 20 February 2011

OK, so you see what happened is...

I got a new phone.  Well, it's more like a mini-mini-computer.
And I love it. 

And it's been taking me a while to know just how much smarter this smart-phone is..than me.


It can do everything except boil water for tea..that's probably why I'm still here..I am needed { or I just haven't found the app for that...}

So, I sit and try to learn, and get distracted by all the free apps I can get..and all the reading I can do for free...Kindle app!

and the games to play..

and the pedometer I need to download..

and, oh, is that a talking cat app?

Yep..".we have an app for that..."


It's been really windy here..gray.... and windy.

So windy that as I was walking the pups today in the deep woods..wooded area..OK..a few treas along the sidewalk trail....

I saw several bigger branches that had been blown off. Eek.

Then I heard it..the wind through the trees..

and something more.....a creaking sort of a rocking chair being rocked slowly...creeeek creeek

I came to the startling conclusion that the sound was the tree creakin'....

and I'm walking right beneath it..

and it's freakin' creakin...!!

So what do I do?  Stop.  And look...UP.

and the tree is freakin' creaking' !??

now I ask you...what sort of idiot look UP in the direction of a creekin' tree branch ?

this sort it truly.

Coulda lost an eye..or a face..but noooo, you'd think I'd be smarter than that, eh??

Uh uh...nope.

I stood fast and.... slammed my eyes shut ..{like my eyebrows would be enough to fend off any errant branches traveling at the speed of...wind..}

Figured I needed to say a  moster big thank you for letting me arrive home safely.

So, thank you Oh Powerful One..

..for not letting me be killed by the freakin' creakin' trees..and arriving home unscathed..and maybe a wee bit smarter..


probably not.

Well have a good and safe Sunday and I'll try to be more aware of my surroundings...and 65per hour "winds of horror...scary-ness..


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