Tuesday 8 February 2011

wanna know what you get with cheap..er..thrifty neclackes??

No. not the green ring around your neck.. but that reminds me.. remember when you were a kid and you bought cheap rings and they turned your finger green so you put clear nail polish on the inside so they wouldn't turn your finger green but you mistakenly got super glue instead of nail polish  and you couldn't get that stupid cheap-ass ring off for a MONTH!!!?!?!?!

Oh, wait.  That was me...


So this morning, getting ready for work, I put on my trusty white T-shirt and think it needs a little somethin' somethin'..some color, some bling!

Grab this silver-pearl-seed-bead-jobby I got at an unnamed cheap  frugal accessories shop in the mall..

Looking good!  I bend over to tie my shoes and I hear all these rain drops..then I feel all these rain drops on my neck and chest and it sounds like it's actually raining inside my room?? Wha??

I look up and see (albeit briefly) thousands of tiny seed-beads flying off my necklace..hitting the floor like a bad game of marbles..

I grab for my neck..have you ever tried to contain thousands of seed beads from cheap necklaces flying off the fishing-line they call chain??

It looked like I was sneezing seed-beads..every time I moved any part of me, more seed-beads fell out ..I didn't know which way to go..seed-beads flinging everywhere..in my hair, behind my ears...

Got some down the from of me and they escaped while I was waking the pups..some others fell from my pants legs {?} at work..

I was afraid to cough, or sneeze or fart anything ...for fear of projectile seed-beads attacks ..

Reminds me of when Emily was little  {at our house for Thanks-mas} and making something with glitter.  Every time she got up from her little chair, there was a cloud of glitter and every time she sat back down..the clouds came from under her bum..

I said it looked like she was "fartin' sparkles" and her Dad said "Spartin Farkles??" We named the  turkey Spartin Farkles that year..and I keep threatening to write a children's  book...The Adventures of Spartin Farkles..

Well, have a sparkly-farkly-glitter-filled day, OK?  And don't invest in cheap..well OK, CHEAP necklaces...


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