Monday 31 May 2010

I have A.D.D....

...seriously.  I do.

And it can be difficult..I am an adult living with A.D.D. 

Read 3 or 4 books at a time..have several half-done knitting projects going at any one time..

And I am a artist.  So I have paintings, sketches, flowers, fabric collages in progress..

At. One. Time.

And all that I have going on needs supplies.a .lot. of. supplies.  And they have to have a place to live..

And with A.D.D. .., I have a tendency to put things away quickly..and ..forget where they are..

Sometimes I spend hours trying to find something..then I get frustrated and give up any crafting at all..

So, I am spending a LOT of time trying to stay on clean and organize my art room.

Purging, tossing, putting like-things together..and really thinking about where things will live.

I have had to do that with other things in my life and it's working well...IF I stay focused and take the time to put my keys, glasses, anything in my purse..socks, their designated spot{s}

The first time I don't put things away..I'm lost.

{this is what I have STILL to do..oh, and a small closet..}

So, I need to take that experience and apply it to my art room. 

Three days..almost done..feels gREaT!

{beleive it or not..these are the 'after' photos..}

How was YOUR holiday spent?  Hope it was all was just as you expected..and hopefully, the troops will be home soon, and families will be together..loving, laughing and doing yard work and organizing their homes..just as we were lucky enough to do this week-end..

Thank you, to all our troops, past, present and maybe {prayfully} less of them in the future.


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