Monday 19 July 2010

Sew...whatcha been up to lately??

One thing my daughter April told me when I asked her what Emily' s interests would be on her visit, she said sewing.

Sew...since I have a sewing machine, I thought "why not!"..

...but then, do I remember where the sewing machine is..oh, and what about thread..and needles, pins, tape measure, and my personal favorite the Seam Ripper...pinking shears, bias tape, seam binding, thimbles, fabric, elastic, bobbins, Tylenol, band-aids, tourniquets, and the ER number...and what the heck is a presser foot and a feed dog anyway?

I mean, I DO have the electric cord and foot pedal.. laugh..but it was, um, un-found, non- locatable, not easily accessible.. for a very long time..

...NO..I did not loose it..I just forgot to remember where I had put know..for safekeeping, for about a year..or two..yeah, right after I took it our of the box.  Never sewed a stitch..but it was such a pretty paperweight sewing  machine. 

Anyway, we looked over some "Beginners Guide to Sewing" books and the first thing on the list of supplies was a sewing machine...and a POWER CORD !

"Yay" I told Emily!"We're almost sewing .."

So, she made's a surprise for her if you promise not to tell... are not to be trusted.  I mean "it" turned out soooo cute, you'd have to tell everyone and she may read YOUR blog and find out.

So, you'll need to check back later to's adorable..

And, I'm happy to report, she still has all 10 fingers..and can manage a foot pedal with the best of them...

..and she even knows where I put it this time....

So, what have you not lost, but forgot to remember where it was? Did  you ever remember to remember?


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