Thursday 5 August 2010

Getting to to know all

OK, so every time I go to someone's blog and they have these little info-thingies on themselves, I read and know...getting to know them a  little more and more.

So when Debby of posted this today,  I wanted to play along..

A- My AIR CONDITIONER is set on: really, that is a temperature ..Mr B hates to be hot..

B- My BEDROOM theme is: "Going to the Dogs"..they sleep on the bed, they have their own bed, they have their dinning room..they have our hearts...

C- The CAR in the driveway is: my sweetie-pa-teetie Silver Pearl.  My very very  firstest brand-newest-never-used-before-este-car-of-my-very-very-own

D- My DESK looks: suspiciously like a bookcase with a table leaf for a wait..that's what it is..

E- The EXACT time I wake up daily is: 4:45 am..thanks a lot Lulu..geesh

F- The FIRST thing I wash in the shower is: my hair - I figure all the shampoo that runs down should be recycled as body wash, right??

G- My GARAGE is filled with: my stuff..oh and some tools of Mr. B's..oh and the lawn mower and snow blower..and my stuff {sorry Hunny - I'll clean my stuff out..someday}

H- My HOUSE is: my 'soft place to fall' refuge....a wee bit messy by Thursdays..

I- If you peeked INSIDE my bedroom you'd see: Braxton snuggled on his pillow on top of my pillows..

J- My favorite JUICE is: apple..naw..tomato..CHOCOLATE! {isn't that what's in the Hershey's Syrup bottle??)

K- The best part of my KITCHEN is: not cooking in it..{thanks Hunny}..and enjoying all the food the aMazINg Mr. B cooks in it....Oh..and my RED Kitchen-Aide mixer...(!!)

L- The LAST person who visited my home was: Emily and Co.  {Hi Sweetie-girl!}

M- The last piece of MAIL for me was: a darling 1908 journal from Sherry @
{L.o.v.e. it! Thank YOU!}

  Oh..and a reminder for the Social Security Administration that I really cannot afford to retire anytime before I'm like 90..Gee thanks..

N- My NEIGHBORS think I'm:  their neighbor..but really, I'm from a galaxy far far away..which would explain the six fingers and 8 toes I have  {but I would do well  in a typing contest..and hang 16 off a surfboard..}

Just kidding..I actually have one giant eye in my forhead ..

O- If you OPENED my fridge you'd see: the light is ON! I don't know how that it always on? Does it know when I'm about to open the door?

P- My last house PARTY was: My house isn't allowed to have parties..but I don't know what it does when I'm away...hmmmm.......

Q- A QUICK meal I like to fix is: Fillet of Oreo accompanied by a fine white milk, say a 2010 Winder Dairy White..chilled..
R- My favorite ROOM of the house is: the bathroom library....only I sometimes can't get the whole "Be Quiet" thing down..

S- The SHAMPOO brand I use is: I'm not sure..the last time noticed I had washed my hair with Dove Body Wash..but then, I really don't wear my glasses in the shower..well, except the one time..

T- My largest TELEVISION is: not large enough..the whole "I just need glasses when I want to see' ..thing

U- UNDER my bed you will find: Max...and Phillip and Thadeous and Stella and Vivian..oh and Bernard...the dust bunnies..

V- The last time I VACUUMED was:  probably the last time I vacuumed.we have wood floors...have I ever told you how cool it is to have a word that used 2 U- s??  Well it is, huh?

W- Looking out my WINDOW I see: I'm at work..I don't have a window..they don't allow windows at work..they think it will waste my time looking out a window while at work..little do they know........I'm just lookin' at the "windows" on my computer...heeheehee

X- I wish I had X-TRA: go-power! That way, I wouldn't need to sleep and have X-TRA hours to play and craft, and have fun and love my house, and walk the pups, and hug Mr. B

Y- My YARD is: sooo cute! Every little blade of grass growing and you know every little blade of grass has a little teensy fairy whispering "Grow! Grow!" ?? Yeah, they do :-)

Z- ZZZZZZZ My bedtime is: when my eyes close..anywhere..anytime..Pffft..I'm gone to sleepy-land

.. anyway, if you wanna play, copy & past this  to your blog..and tell us all about YOU..form A to Z!

Just copy and paste.

A- My AIR CONDITIONER is set on:
B- My BEDROOM theme is:
C- The CAR in the driveway is:
D- My DESK looks:
E- The EXACT time I wake up daily is:
F- The FIRST thing I wash in the shower is:
G- My GARAGE is filled with:
H- My HOUSE is:
I- If you peeked INSIDE my bedroom you'd see:
J- My favorite JUICE is:
K- The best part of my KITCHEN is:
L- The LAST person who visited my home was:
M- The last piece of MAIL for me was:
N- My NEIGHBORS think I'm:
O- If you OPENED my fridge you'd see:
P- My last house PARTY was:
Q- A QUICK meal I like to fix is:
R- My favorite ROOM of the house is:
S- The SHAMPOO brand I use is:
T- My largest TELEVISION is:
U- UNDER my bed you will find:
V- The last time I VACUUMED was:
W- Looking out my WINDOW I see:
X- I wish I had X-TRA:
Y- My YARD is: Z- ZZZZZZZ My bedtime is:

Have a fun Thursday..and if you plan on dropping by..just remember the "my- house -is messy- by-Thursday" thing ...

 And Thanks Debby!


**Oh. My. Heck!  This is my 1,000th post!!  Well, that's cause for celebration..let's get Cake-Faced!!***

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