Sunday 29 August 2010

They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery..

..and if they are right.

....then I am soo flattering a new artist I have discovered..

..well, that sounds a little lofty, huh?  I mean I didn't "discover" her as in she was un-discovered before well...I ....discovered her..

{Is this not the cutest thing???}

I mean..I just discovered, to my delight, that she is living and creating and is kind and friendly.  And she lives in England {!}

And she has a beautiful drool-inducing blog..

And I want you all to go meeter her..she's at

...her name is Viv and she creates the most adorable creations, birdies, and  mouse-es and flowers and pin keeps and purses and and and....

Her work is sooo pretty..
I l.o.v.e. her coin purses....

..and, being the A.D.D. ridden-attention-span-of-a-gnat {nat, knat???}-flitting-from-craft-to-craft-faster-than-a- nervous- hummingbird-gal that I am..well..I created stole copied what she has so beautiful and fun-ly done and made some cards.

Now, I was at work away from my sewing machine on a slow Friday afternoon and happened to have some fabric pieces and a needle black ink pen..

..and practically Xerox-copied (or tried to) her darling here are mine..paper, fabric, ink and inspiration from Viv..

Now, these are in no way as sweet, on-cloth, hand-sewn thoughtfully beautiful as Viv's..but I thank her sooo very much for her inspiration, her graciousness of allowing me to share these with you, and she just may appreciate a visit from you all as well..

Thank you Viv, for your art, your generous spirit and for sharing your world with all of us..


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