And Saturday would have been my brother's 71st birthday..and I miss talking to him and singing Happy Birthday..
But he wouldn't want us to be sad, so I pulled out of my memory a story {and we Irish do like our stories..} of a time we were reminded he was 10 years older than me..
It was during his post-marriage single days and he was dating ..a few..but this one seemed quite a bit ..younger..than Larry's 36 years..
They stopped by my house..I was about 8 1/2 months pregnant with Jeff..and h.u.g.e..had 2 other kiddos running in and out..
The conversation somehow went to the fact that I always knew how old he was because he was 10 years older than me....
The 'date' asked..
"soooo..how old are you??"
I looked over at Larry, standing behind her..giving me the universal hand signal for.."Shut up..Stop talking..do.not.say.anything.else" ..
Yeah...she just sort of looked at me and gave one of those "huh.." looks..
So, it's Sunday night..and I will go to bed with a smile..Gerri will be released soon, Kathy is on the mend.
....and Larry, well, I still miss him more than I can express, but I can remember and smile and sing "Happy Birthday" to him..and I am certain he will hear me..and smile..
Have a wonderful week-beginning and try to think of a "smile-rememberie" too..
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