Sunday 15 August 2010

Optimum-Room-Tempreature-Control-and-Comfort-Level-Maintenance is...

..not for the faint at heart..

That's why the aMAzIng Mr. B has in under control..

Or so he thinks..

It's a very very complicated process..and something he has tried to e'splain to me numerous times.


Step 1:

Check the inside temperature..

Step 2:

Go to the outside thermometer and check that one..

Step 3:

Re-check the inside temperature..

Step 4:

Measure the width of Lulu..

Step 5:

Open front window 1.5 inches less than the width of Lulu..

Step 6:

Put humongous fan in back room window..blowing out {yeah- we're cooling the universe..}

Step 7:

Open bedroom window at the head of Mr. B..

{this would interfere with the air flow over Mr. B..}

Step 8: {to be done before 6am in the morning}:

Repeat all steps and reverse..when previously close..

Check inside temperature..and re-set it to...."Popsicle"..

Find blankets for wife..

Geesh... I kinda like to "set" the thermometer..and

leave it..

But hey, that's just me.

Hope you have a wonderful, cool, perfect temperature-ed Sunday..

Now, let's just hope Lulu doesn't loose weight..


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